On Jul 11, 2018, at 10:29 PM, Oakland Municipal Band
We had the largest audience that I can remember in my tenure preparing Oakland Municipal Band concerts on July 4! I hope that we will have many new audience members for the upcoming concerts. July 15 will be the debut of our new Music Director, R. Anderson (Andy) Collinsworth with the band. We are excited to have a music director of such experience and stature conducting the band.
This is the program he has chosen:
Please remember that these concerts are presented with your support! Your donations make them possible. Each concert costs about $5000 to put on. This amount goes to pay for the musicians, with a little bit for expenses such as postage and website hosting. None of us who work to bring you these concerts are paid. We need to raise an additional $15,000 to pay for this season! You may always donate by credit card at www.oaklandmunicipalband.org/donate. If you did not get a letter acknowledging your donation, please send us an email and we will get it to you right away! Donations mailed in or taken at the Friends of the Oakland Municipal Band table have been acknowledged promptly by mail.
Our new stacking chairs were well received by the band members and audience July 4, and we thank all those who helped set them up and return them after the concert. We hope that there will be volunteers at 10:00 am on Sunday to help set up for this week’s concert.
We have had quite a few new things to deal with this season. Most of them were dealt with fairly well at the first concert, but we strive to improve!
Bruce De Benedictis, for the Friends of the Oakland Municipal Band
A 501(c)(3) organization